- Infant age of 0-2 years old is free of charge
- Booking must made at least 24 hrs before arrival and departure time.
- Cancellation of services must made at least 2 hrs will be full refund, less than 2 hrs cannot cancel booking and will charge at full rate.
- No show will be charged as a full rate.
Fast track service
Fast Track
On Arrival
- One passenger service agent included per service.
- Meet and greet with sign board name at Arrival Gate.
- Assist for documentation pre-arrangement in order to go through immigration formalities at fast lane smoothly.
Assist passenger to collect their checked baggage at Arrival Hall and clear customs
(in case travelling on international flight). - Escort passenger to the meeting area.
1,300 Baht per person
Fast Track On Departure
- One passenger service agent included per service.
- Meet and greet with sign board name at Check-in Terminal.
- Accompanies passenger to Fast Track Check-In Counter and assist for all check-in process.
- Escort passenger to fast lane at departure gate in order to go through security checked and clear immigration formalities (incase travelling on international flight).
For international flight :
2,000 Baht per person
For domestic flight :
1,300 Baht per person
Business class lounge service handling charge : 1,000 Baht
(Maximum stay 3 hours)